Saturday, December 17, 2011

Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare

In the magical underworld of Victorian London, Tessa Gray has at last found safety with the Shadowhunters. But that safety proves fleeting when rogue forces in the Clave plot to see her protector, Charlotte, replaced as head of the Institute. If Charlotte loses her position, Tessa will be out on the street and easy prey for the mysterious Magister, who wants to use Tessa's powers for his own dark ends. With the help of the handsome, self-destructive Will and the fiercely devoted Jem, Tessa discovers that the Magister's war on the Shadowhunters is deeply personal. He blames them for a long-ago tragedy that shattered his life. To unravel the secrets of the past, the trio journeys from mist-shrouded Yorkshire to a manor house that holds untold horrors, from the slums of London to an enchanted ballroom where Tessa discovers that the truth of her parentage is more sinister than she had imagined. When they encounter a clockwork demon bearing a warning for Will, they realize that the Magister himself knows their every move and that one of their own has betrayed them. Tessa finds her heart drawn more and more to Jem, though her longing for Will, despite his dark moods, continues to unsettle her. But something is changing in Will; the wall he has built around himself is crumbling. Could finding the Magister free Will from his secrets and give Tessa the answers about who she is and what she was born to do? As their dangerous search for the Magister and the truth leads the friends into peril, Tessa learns that when love and lies are mixed, they can corrupt even the purest heart.
The character of Clockwork Prince are lively and relatable. I found myself connecting with several of them. I love Tessa's attitude and found her strength to be admirable. I love Will. He  is so amazing, but infuriating at times. I liked exploring his past more and it created a better foundation to understand his actions. Jem is as sweet as always and I completely adore him. He has so much courage and strength. I used to be adamantly Team Will, but now I am not really sure how I feel. Love triangles are confusing, but addicting.  Charlotte and Henry were just as caring as the first book and I loved how amazing and supportive both of the people are. Jessamine was increasingly infuriating. There were several times in the book that I wanted to kill her.
The pacing of Clockwork Prince was not as rapid as Clockwork Angel. Even though that was the case, the plot twist made up for the slow pacing at the beginning. Like any other Cassandra Clare book, there is a lot of action and surprise. I honestly had no clue what this book would be like and exactly how it would end. The cliff hanger is just horrid, because I want to know what is going to happen next, like now. I also want to add that I love the time period and how Cassandra Clare captures it so brilliantly. It is just wonderful. I can't wait to see what happens next and I am so excited for Clockwork Princess. I suggest this book to anyone that has loved the previous Cassandra Clare books. I promise that you will love it.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

In My Mailbox (Week of November 27th)

Books for review:
 Bloodrose by Andrea Cremer
Truth by Julia Karr
 Immortal City by Scott Speer
Harbringer by Sara Wilson Etienne
Radiant Days by Elizabeth Hand
The Catastrophic History of You and Me  by Jess Rothenberg
The Right & The Real by Joelle Anthony
A Temptation of Angels by Michelle Zink
A Touch Morbid by Leah Clifford
Hallowed by Cynthia Hand
 Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi
The Pledge by Kimberly Derting
Wherever You Go by Heather Davis

Friday, November 25, 2011

All These Things I've Done by Gabrielle Zevin

Source: Publisher
In 2083, chocolate and coffee are illegal, paper is hard to find, water is carefully rationed, and New York City is rife with crime and poverty. And yet, for Anya Balanchine, the sixteen-year-old daughter of the city's most notorious (and dead) crime boss, life is fairly routine. It consists of going to school, taking care of her siblings and her dying grandmother, trying to avoid falling in love with the new assistant D.A.'s son, and avoiding her loser ex-boyfriend. That is until her ex is accidently poisoned by the chocolate her family manufactures and the police think she's to blame. Suddenly, Anya finds herself thrust unwillingly into the spotlight--at school, in the news, and most importantly, within her mafia family.
Engrossing and suspenseful, All These Things I've Done is an utterly unique, unputdownable read that blends both the familiar and the fantastic.
There are books that I love to read and want to keep on reading, All These Things I've Done is one of those books. The characters are very lively and  realistic. I could relate to most of them, because of how exceptionally flawed they are. I really liked Anya. She was very tough at times, but she was also cautiously loving. I liked that she struggled with her faith and what she wanted, because that was very easy to relate with. I loved hearing from her Grandma, because she is almost from my generation and I liked hearing from her. I loved Leo. He was so sweet to his sisters.  Their younger sister Natty was very cute and sassy. Anya's best friend Scarlet was very sassy and really cared about Anya, even when a boy came between them. Win is a sweet and sensitive guy that I totally fell in love with. He really cared about Anya and wanted the best for her.
The world building of this book is really amazing. It is a dystopian novel, but unlike many other novels in  this genre,the government isn't oppressive. The government seems to be falling apart and becoming more corrupt slowly. I really liked seeing the crime aspects in a novel and how it can affect the people around them. I also love mobsters in books and really loved the futuristic ones. The fact that chocolate and coffee are banned, is depressing, but I could see that happening. Since both product are surrounded in such indulgence now. The plot of this book was exciting for me. I really loved the characters and found myself to be rooting for everything to turn out alright. The pacing varied, but I think that it fit the book well. A problem that I had with Anya's voice is that she would tell what was happening, instead of showing it. Her voice might not appeal to a more sheltered teen, because she has experienced a lot and seems older at times. Zevin's writing captures great character and an engaging plot that I loved.  I liked the mob aspect and am excited to see how this series will play out in the next books. Overall, I enjoyed this book and found it to be a fun and entertaining. If you like other dystopian books, you will probably like this book.

Why I have been gone...

I kind of disappeared at the end of September. It isn't a secret, but I went to college.
I also broke my ankle the first day and have had several other health issues have came up.
So, that has been a problem. Another is living in a dorm and being social more often than I usually am.
Anyways, I am going to aim to post at least a review a week.
Hope you are all enjoying your week.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope that you all have a great day with your family and friends and enjoy the food.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Iron Knight by Julie Kagawa

Source: Publisher
My name my True Name is Ashallayn’ darkmyr Tallyn. I am the last remaining son of Mab, Queen of the Unseelie Court. And I am dead to her. My fall began, as many stories do, with a girl.
To cold faery prince Ash, love was a weakness for mortals and fools. His own love had died a horrible death, killing any gentler feelings the Winter prince might have had. Or so he thought.
Then Meghan Chase a half human, half fey slip of a girl smashed through his barricades, binding him to her irrevocably with his oath to be her knight. And when all of Faery nearly fell to the Iron fey, she severed their bond to save his life. Meghan is now the Iron Queen, ruler of a realm where no Winter or Summer fey can survive.
With the unwelcome company of his archrival, Summer Court prankster Puck, and the infuriating cait sith Grimalkin, Ash begins a journey he is bound to see through to its end a quest to find a way to honor his vow to stand by Meghan's side.
To survive in the Iron Realm, Ash must have a soul and a mortal body. But the tests he must face to earn these things are impossible. And along the way Ash learns something that changes everything. A truth that challenges his darkest beliefs and shows him that, sometimes, it takes more than courage to make the ultimate sacrifice.

I adored this series. As sad as I am to see the end of the series, I was glad to see all of characters develop and become stronger. Puck was just as funny as the first book. His one liners were amusing. I also loved Grim. He is so snarky and honest. Ash seemed to grow up a lot and I still adored him as much as I did him in the first book. I missed Meghan's point of view and wished that it wasn't just Ash's point of view. Her voice and attitude were more engaging to me. The plot wasn't as exciting either and not as many remarkable events happened. Even with those drawbacks, I still enjoyed the book. This was partly due to Kagawa's flawless writing and how the stories were resolved. If you haven't read the first three books in this series, I would recommend reading those books now. You won't regret it.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

In My Mailbox (Week of November 7th)

Books for review:
A Million Suns by Beth Revis
Beautiful Chaos by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
Out of Oz by Gregory Maguire
Lexapros and Cons by Aaron Karo
When the Sea is Rising Red by Cat Hellisen
Melody Burning by Whitley Strieber
Various Positions by Martha Schabas
Life is but a Dream by Brian James
After the Snow by SD Crockett
Tempest by Julie Cross
The Pledge by Kimberly Derting

Crossed by Ally Condie
Ingenue by Jillian Larkin
Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

Sunday, October 9, 2011

In My Mailbox (Week of October 9th)

For review:
Everybody Sees the Ants by AS King
How to Save a Life by Sara Zarr
Cinder by Marissa Meyer
Virtousity by Jessica Martinez
The Iron Knight by Julie Kagawa
So Yesterday by Scott Westerfeld

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (116)

Title: In Honor
Author: Jessi Kirby
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Release Date: May 18th, 2012

Honor receives her brother's last letter from Iraq three days after learning that he died, and opens it the day his fellow Marines lay the flag over his casket. Its contents are a complete shock: concert tickets to see Kyra Kelly, her favorite pop star and Finn's celebrity crush. In his letter, he jokingly charged Honor with the task of telling Kyra Kelly that he was in love with her.
Grief-stricken and determined to grant Finn's last request, she rushes to leave immediately. But she only gets as far as the driveway before running into Rusty, Finn's best friend since third grade and his polar opposite. She hasn't seen him in ages, thanks to a falling out between the two guys, but Rusty is much the same as Honor remembers him: arrogant, stubborn. . . and ruggedly good looking. Neither one is what the other would ever look for in a road trip partner, but the two of them set off together, on a voyage that makes sense only because it doesn't. Along the way, they find small and sometimes surprising ways to ease their shared loss and honor Finn--but when shocking truths are revealed at the end of the road, will either of them be able to cope with the consequences?

I really loved Jessi Kirby's first book, Moonglass was amazing and this one sounds fantastic. I also love the cover.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Contest: Ruling Passion by Alyxandra Harvey

MEET the Drakes:

A darkly romantic, irresistibly alluring family of royal vampire blood
READ Alyxandra Harvey's Ruling Passion: a haunting, humorous saga, now gathered into one juicy volume!
"A refreshing take of the familiar teenage vampire drama . . . Harvey builds an engaging world of vampire cultures balanced wit a smart mix of darknewss and humor." -Publishers Weekly
A fabulous and fast-paced read! The action is superb . . . this is the perfect escape read." -Romantic Times
Bind up contains:

Hearts at Stake

Blood Feud

Out for Blood

US street address only. Ends on October 17th.

Carrier of the Mark by Leigh Fallon

Source: Publisher
A move to Ireland is about to introduce Megan to her destiny, her real destiny, can she embrace it and will she survive it?
A tragedy in Megan’s past set her on a predetermined course. A chain of events has been set in motion that brings Megan to Kinsale, a small town in the south of Ireland where her destiny awaits her. Her life starts to fall into place as she makes new friends and settles into her new school. However, the reclusive and distant Adam DeRís calls to her body and soul.
She finds herself increasingly drawn to Adam and his strange family. Adam knows a secret from her past and he and his family hold the key to her future. A future that binds her to Adam and his world, a world of power, mystery and ancient orders. A world that unbeknownst to her, she very much belongs in.
I found Carrier of the Mark to be a charming read with a few problems. I wish that the characters had been developed a bit more and that a few parts of the plot was more smooth. The setting of Ireland is gorgeous and mystical. I loved that I was instantly transported there and immersed into the story. Megan moves to a new place. She makes friends and becomes obsessed with Adam DeRís. Their romance seems extremely rushed and strong. I wish that it had been slower. His sister Áine was very funny and I wish she was in the book more. Some of the language and slang was very American and the dialogue could have been better. I had information overload a few times and wish that what Carrier of the Mark and Royal Bloods are, had been explained better or more gradually, instead of all at once. The plot dragged a few times, but overall the mythology had a lot of potential and I found it really fascinating. I am excited to see where Fallon will take it next. This book will definitely appeal to fans of Paranormal Romance and I recommend this book to fans of the Sweep series by Cate Tiernan and the Castor Chronicles by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

In My Mailbox (Week of October 2nd)

Books for Review:
Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare
Going Underground by Susan Vaught
I'm Not Here & If I Tell by Jane Gurtler
The Faerie Ring by Kiki Hamilton
Dark Inside by Jeyn Roberts
Perfect by Ellen Hopkins
Cresendo by Becca Fitzpatrick
Lost in Time by Melissa de la Cruz
Behemoth & Goliath by Scott Westerfeld

Friday, September 30, 2011

After Obsession by Carrie Jones and Steven E. Wedel

Source: Publisher
Aimee and Alan have secrets. Both teens have unusual pasts and abilities they prefer to keep hidden. But when they meet each other, in a cold Maine town, they can't stop their secrets from spilling out. Strange things have been happening lately, and they both feel that something-or someone- is haunting them. They're wrong. Despite their unusual history and powers, it's neither Aimee nor Alan who is truly haunted. It's Alan's cousin Courtney who, in a desperate plea to find her missing father, has invited a demon into her life-and into her body. Only together can Aimee and Alan exorcise the ghost. And they have to move quickly, before it devours not just Courtney but everything around her.
Filled with heart-pounding romance, paranormal activity, and rich teen characters to love-and introducing an exciting new YA voice, Steven Wedel-this novel is exactly what Carrie Jones fans have been waiting for. Meet your next obsession.

Aimee is a really interesting character, but she shared several traits of Jone's other characters and that annoyed me at times. I found Alan to be entertaining and interesting. There instant love was annoying and a bit unrealistic. I didn't think that either characters were like that. I did like how well developed their family life was and that they weren't secretive about it either. The plot was rather suspenseful and made me wonder what was happening next. The possession was very frightening at times and other times, it was very cheesy. I also felt that parts of the book seemed rushed. The story is original and I liked the Native American aspect to it. If you want a quick and creepy story that is full of suspense, I suggest this book.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

Source: Publisher
Budding designer Lola Nolan doesn’t believe in fashion . . . she believes in costume. The more expressive the outfit -- more sparkly, more fun, more wild -- the better. But even though Lola’s style is outrageous, she’s a devoted daughter and friend with some big plans for the future. And everything is pretty perfect (right down to her hot rocker boyfriend) until the dreaded Bell twins, Calliope and Cricket, return to the neighborhood.
When Cricket -- a gifted inventor -- steps out from his twin sister’s shadow and back into Lola’s life, she must finally reconcile a lifetime of feelings for the boy next door.
Stephanie Perkins has a fantastic gift with words and stories. I loved Anna and the French Kiss and found Lola and the Boy Next Door to be just as amazing. Lola seems to be eccentric and over the top. At least she seems that way at the beginning, but really she is a down to earth girl that really cares about her dads and Lindsey and has amazing plans for her future. I could really relate to her and totally loved Lola. I wasn't a huge fan of Max. He seemed like a jerk at times and their relationship was hugely just psychical. Lindsey was a great friend to Lola and I liked that she supported Lola, even when she didn't agree with her decisions. Lola's dads, Nathan and Andy were such characters. I loved how protective they were and that they were such a huge part of her life. For example, Lola had to check in with them every hour when she was with her boyfriend. I could relate to this, because my mom did that with me until I was 18. They were amazing parents. I love Cricket. He was such a sweet and amazing guy. Cricket and Lola were great friends and I liked that it slowly developed into more. There was so much tension between both of them that helped sell their feelings for each other. I knew that Anna and St. Clair would be in Lola and the Boy Next Door, but I didn't realize how instrumental, they would be to the plot. I loved how sweet their romance was in the book and that it also showed some of the sacrifices that they made to be with each other. The plot is full of tension, romance, and heartbreak. Every part of the book excited and interested me. Like with Anna and the French Kiss, I didn't want this book to end. I loved how detailed San Francisco was and I felt like I was in that city. Stephanie Perkins creates complex characters with flaws of their own, a exciting story that engages you along the way, and amazing writing filled with love and humor. There is so much that I love about this book that it is hard to explain. I definitely recommend this book to fans of Anna and the French Kiss and Sarah Dessen. This book is a must read. I can't wait for Isla and the Happily Ever After and whatever else Stephanie Perkins writes next.

Friday, September 23, 2011


I am sorry for the lack of post. I broke my ankle and am adjusting to college life. Will post more later this week.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

In My Mailbox (Week of September 18th)

I am leaving for college today and this is my last In My Mailbox till I come back to visit in October.
I only got one book this week.

I am so excited to read it. I keep on hear great things about it and it looks amazing.

Friday, September 16, 2011

BBW: Blogging

The world of blogging is continually changing. Share 3 things you are essential tried and true practices for every blogger and 1-3 new trends or tools you’ve adapted recently or would like to in the future.
1.Be happy with what you have instead of wanting more of.
This can apply to ARCs, followers, comments, & ECT...
It can be kind of easy to become consume with this, instead just focus on how far you have come.
2. Post as much as you, but don't let it go out of hand.
Posting everyday is amazing, but if the quality goes up from only 20 post a month, then try and stick with that instead.
3. Be afraid to fail.
Try new memes and different genres. Even if you don't think that it will work for your blog. Maybe you can find a way for it to work.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

BBAW: Reading and Blogging

Book bloggers blog because we love reading. Has book blogging changed the way you read? Have you discovered books you never would have apart from book blogging? How has book blogging affected your book acquisition habits? Have you made new connections with other readers because of book blogging? Choose any one of these topics and share your thoughts today!
I think that my reading has changed a lot since I started blogging.
I finish a lot more books then I used to and I read more actively then I used to. There is a big difference between what I want to read and what I do read. A lot of the time, these two things collide, but there are times my to-review pile doesn't have a book that I want.
I also have picked up a few books from blogging that I loved, like Brightly Woven and Finnikin of Rock. High fantasy hasn't been my favorite genre ever. I probably wouldn't go to as many signings, if I hadn't started this.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

BBAW: Community Part II

There are a few places that I connect to people easily...
1. Twitter:
I usually check who is following or tweeting me and it is the easiest way to find new blogs. Especially with school starting soon, it is somewhere that I get on daily.
2. Signings:
I have met/been introduced to people this way. Both authors and bloggers. I also really enjoy them.
3. Blogs:
I have found other blogs by looking at their sidebars and blogs that are recommended to people.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


The winner of a personalized copy of The Fox Inheritance is...

Monday, September 12, 2011

BBAW: Community

I had a hard time coming up with the amazing people that I have talked to, because of blogging. There are so many bloggers and authors that have inspired me in some way or another.
I wouldn't have started my blog, if I didn't find Readergirlz. I found my first book blogs out of there, like James at Book Chic Club or Little Willow at Bildungsroman. After finding them, I found Kristi at The Story Siren and Chelsea at Coffee and Cliffhangers, (Back then it was The Page Flipper.) I followed those blogs for a few months before I made Sarah's Random Musings in 2008 and still love all four blogs a lot. The authors from Readergirlz have been very supportive and I am thankful for that.
We were the first followers or each others blog. We are also a lot alike and enjoy Doctor Who, Harry Potter, and a million other things. She has been a great friend and I am glad to count her as one. She also have been supportive as I write.
Khy at Frenetic Reader:
Like with Zoe, we are very similar. We have many inside jokes and she can always make me laugh.
There are several other people that have made blogging fun and you definitely know who you are. Also to my followers, thanks for commenting, read my post and whatever else you do.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

In My Mailbox (Week of September 11th)

For Review:
Shut Out by Kody Keplinger
The Shattering by Karen Healey
Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake

Stargazer & Hourglassby Claudia Gray.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sweetly by Jackson Pearce

Source: Given
SWEETLY is a modernization of Hansel and Gretel and a companion book to SISTERS RED.
Twelve years ago, Gretchen, her twin sister, and her brother went looking for a witch in the forest. They found something. Maybe it was a witch, maybe a monster, they aren’t sure—they were running too fast to tell. Either way, Gretchen’s twin sister was never seen again.
Years later, after being thrown out of their house, Gretchen and Ansel find themselves in Live Oak, South Carolina, a place on the verge of becoming a ghost town. They move in with Sophia Kelly, a young and beautiful chocolatier owner who opens not only her home, but her heart to Gretchen and Ansel.
Yet the witch isn’t gone—it’s here, lurking in the forests of Live Oak, preying on Live Oak girls every year after Sophia Kelly’s infamous chocolate festival. But Gretchen is determined to stop running from witches in the forest, and start fighting back. Alongside Samuel Reynolds, a boy as quick with a gun as he is a sarcastic remark, Gretchen digs deeper into the mystery of not only what the witch is, but how it chooses its victims. Yet the further she investigates, the more she finds herself wondering who the real monster is, and if love can be as deadly as it is beautiful.

Gretchen seemed like a quiet girl at the beginning, but as the book went on, she took more risk and became very kick ass. Samuel was part of the reason and I liked the romance that he brought to the story. I also liked that there was a lot more to him, then you first think of him. Ansel was a very strong and sweet character and I liked the relationship that he had with his sister. Sophie was a great character. She seemed like a positive and enthusiastic character, but was actually haunted by her past and future at the same time. I liked that the Fenris weren't obvious from the beginning and that they gradually came into the story. They were just as evil as they were in Sisters Red and brought foreshadowing for the next book. The mystery of the book left me wanting more. There were a lot of clue along the way, if you read Sister Red, it will be even easier to see the clues. The pacing for the first two hundred pages was a bit slow and I wish that it went quicker then it did. Since the rest of the book is rather quick. This is a very original retelling of Hansel and Gretel. Pearce's writing is as amazing to the first book. She created complex characters, a pretty epic plot, and originality to a story that we all know. I recommend this book to fans of Sisters Red or for someone that wants an exciting and thrilling read.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (115)

Title: This Is Not A Test
Author: Courtney Summers
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Release Date: June 2012

It’s the end of the world. Six students have taken cover in Cortege High but shelter is little comfort when the dead outside won’t stop pounding on the doors. One bite is all it takes to kill a person and bring them back as a monstrous version of their former self. To Sloane Price, that doesn’t sound so bad. Six months ago, her world collapsed and since then, she’s failed to find a reason to keep going. Now seems like the perfect time to give up.
As Sloane eagerly waits for the barricades to fall, she’s forced to witness the apocalypse through the eyes of five people who actually want to live. But as the days crawl by, everyone’s motivations to survive begin to change in startling ways and soon the group’s fate is determined less and less by what’s happening outside and more and more by the unpredictable and violent bids for life–and death–inside.
When everything is gone, what do you hold on to?

I love Courtney's other books and I would read anything that she wrote. This one looks just as amazing.This book will be epic.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Trailer Tuesday (38)

This book sounds really good and I like the trailer.

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson

Source: Publisher
The day Louisiana teenager Rory Deveaux arrives in London marks a memorable occasion. For Rory, it's the start of a new life at a London boarding school. But for many, this will be remembered as the day a series of brutal murders broke out across the city, gruesome crimes mimicking the horrific Jack the Ripper events of more than a century ago.
Soon “Rippermania” takes hold of modern-day London, and the police are left with few leads and no witnesses. Except one. Rory spotted the man police believe to be the prime suspect. But she is the only one who saw him. Even her roommate, who was walking with her at the time, didn't notice the mysterious man. So why can only Rory see him? And more urgently, why has Rory become his next target? In this edge-of-your-seat thriller, full of suspense, humor, and romance, Rory will learn the truth about the secret ghost police of London and discover her own shocking abilities.
I have always been fascinated in Jack the Ripper and I was definitely really excited to read The Name of the Star. I couldn't wait to see what Maureen Johnson would write. Rory is in a new place. She is trying to get used to a new place and find people to get along with. She isn't the most popular girl, but she doesn't hide who she is. I loved her sense of humor and overall her personality is easy to relate to and I liked her. Jerome and Rory were both cute together. I found Jerome's fascination with the murders to be reasonable and even entertaining as he speculated what would happen next. Jazza was a very sweet character and I loved how she genuinely cared about Rory. I loved Stephen, Callum, and Boo. They each have their own personalities and a different back story. Stephen is also very swoon worthy and I can't wait to read more about him as the series continues.
The plot is exciting and full of history and details about London, Jack the Ripper, and the culture. It didn't drag the book, but actually made it more interesting. The descriptions of the East Side of London are full of details and really helped me understand where the murders happened and were happening. The pacing of this book was spot on, I never felt that it dragged or felt rushed. The secret police were very interesting and I liked how the story was a balance between paranormal and contemporary fiction. This story is really unique and surprised me at times. Maureen Johnson's writing is fabulous as always and I can't wait to read more from her. This story is full of fascinating characters, a gripping plot, and a unique premise. I am so excited to dig into the next book in this series, when it comes out. I recommend this book to fans of Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly and Maureen Johnson's previous books. It comes out on September 27th.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

In My Mailbox (Week of September 4th)

To review:
After Obsession by Carrie Jones and Steven E. Wedel
Triangles by Ellen Hopkins
Glow by Amy Kathleen Ryan
Without Tess by Marcella Pixley

Friday, September 2, 2011

Books read in August 2011

103. And Then Things Fall Apart by Arlaina Tibensky
104. Populazzi by Elise Allen
105. The Fox Inheritance by Mary E. Pearson
106. A Temptation of Angels by Michelle Zink
107. The Day Before by Lisa Schroeder
108. Bloodlines by Richelle Mead
109. All You Desire by Kirsten Miller
110. Forgotten by Cat Patrick
111. The Beginning of After by Jennifer Castle

Reviews posted from these books: 4 of these books so far, all are planned to be posted later.
Books from Library: 0
Books for Review: 8
Books borrowed: 0
My Favorite: I really loved Forgotten and Bloodlines.
My Least Favorite: None this month.
Debut Authors '11: 29 read 21 books left
Books I hope to read next month: I really want to read Frost or Love Story soon, along with twenty other books. Just need to finish summer ready for college/

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Fox Inheritance by Mary E. Pearson

Source: Publisher
Once there were three. Three friends who loved each other—Jenna, Locke, and Kara. And after a terrible accident destroyed their bodies, their three minds were kept alive, spinning in a digital netherworld. Even in that disembodied nightmare, they were still together. At least at first. When Jenna disappeared, Locke and Kara had to go on without her. Decades passed, and then centuries.
Two-hundred-and-sixty years later, they have been released at last. Given new, perfect bodies, Locke and Kara awaken to a world they know nothing about, where everyone they once knew and loved is long dead.
Everyone except Jenna Fox.
I loved The Adoration of Jenna Fox, so I was really excited to hear about The Fox Inheritance. Locke was very unsure about what he wants. He liked both Kara and Jenna at one point and now only Kara is left there, but he still thinks about Jenna. He is very sweet and caring. Kara on the other hand is crazy, manipulative, and at times was a complete bitch. I wanted to smack her in the face most of the time. Dot was a great character too. She was very excitable and just awesome. Jenna was a great character too and I liked seeing how much she had changed from the first book. The setting is 260 years in the future and a lot has been happening in that time. This future is so rich and full of so many details that while reading this book, I loved this future. I wanted to know more about it. The plot is also very exciting. There was a lot of suspense and mystery. I was excited with where the story went. I would love to see more from these characters. This story is really original and amazing. Pearson's writing is amazing and I can't wait to read more from her in the future. There are a lot of amazing characters, an exciting plot, and a very detailed and amazing setting in The Fox Inheritance. If you read The Adoration of Jenna Fox, I highly recommend The Fox Inheritance and if you enjoy other psychological dystropian books, you will enjoy this series.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Guest Post with Mary E. Pearson

Today I have a guest post with Mary E. Pearson.
“Once there were three. Three friends who loved each other . . . "
It seemed appropriate to me to wrap up the blog tour for The Fox Inheritance with a post about friendship. Friendship is at the heart of the story and I would like to share a couple of brief passages that speak to this:
“It was always Kara, Jenna, and me. Or at least it seemed that way. We were friends for only a year and a half before the accident, but for me it was a lifetime. We were instantly bonded. Maybe it was because it came at a turning point in our lives–just the right window where our worlds were all aligned, all needing something, maybe the same thing, maybe one other. We lifted one another up. Strengthened one another. We held hands. We crossed a line. We made one another braver.”
I think the friends who walk into adulthood with us have some of the mo
st far-reaching effects on who we will become. Maybe that’s why high school reunions are so popular. These are the friends who made decisions with us that helped shape the course of our lives, the friends who were there with us when we suffered the consequences of some of our decisions, the friends who often went their separate ways, but still left a mark on us nonetheless.
In The Fox Inheritance, which takes place 260 years after the first book, Jenna has now gone on and made many new friends over the years, decades, and centuries, but reflects back on her friendship with Kara and Locke when she was just a teen:
“There are all kinds of friends you make in life . . . But there’s something different about someone who spreads their wings with you. That’s what we did, didn’t we?”
Yes, there is something different about these friends, no matter how brief a time we had with them. They were there at a pivotal time in our life and in their own lives, a time when all of our world views were separating from that of our parents. We laid the foundations of our adulthood together.
Some of my friends from my teen years I have stayed in contact with, even if only occasionally. Facebook helps a lot with that. But other friends I have lost track of. We went our separate ways, moved, lost contact, but I still think of them often. These friends helped me adjust to “womanhood,” read my bad poetry, made great life plans with me that never happened but still warm me with the memory (like planning to go to Cape St. Francis to surf the perfect wave.) These friends commiserated with me over parental injustices, filled in my “educational” gaps (things you would never ask your parents), cried with me over heartbreaks, and laughed hysterically with me over close calls of one kind or another. These friends left their mark. They changed me as I was stepping into adulthood. Mostly for the better.
“We lifted one another up. Strengthened one another. We held hands. We crossed a line. We made one another braver.”
Yes. All those things. These might be Locke’s words, but their mine too.
That’s why I dedicated The Fox Inheritance to them, and to the many, many friends who have come into my life since then and changed me in small and large ways. To all of you, I say thank you.

I hope that you enjoyed this post as much as I did. Have any of your friends ever helped you out? Tell me about it in the comments for a chance to win a a personalized copy of The Fox Inheritance.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday

I decided to participate in the "Top Ten Tuesday" feature hosted by The Broke and Bookish. I like making list and such. This week's topic is topic is TBR Pile in the fall. This is in no order and just went with what came first, since my mind is very indecisive.
10. Every You, Every Me by David Levithan: Two of my best friends love anything David and it sounded really interesting, when he talked it about at a signing.
9. Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor: This books sounds amazing and I kind of love this cover.
8. Shatter Me by Tahreh Mafi: This book also sounds amazing and I have only hear great things about it.
7. The Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare: I really enjoy Cassie's book and found the first book of this series to be awesome.
6. As I Wake by Elizabeth Scott: I love Elizabeth Scott and have enjoyed her books a lot. This one sounds so amazing.
5. How To Save A Life by Sara Zarr: I love Sara Zarr's books too and it sounds really epic.
4. Shut Out by Kody Keplinger: I really liked Kody's first book and it sound amazing. There is also a lot of buzz going on for it and I want to read it like now.
3. The Pledge by Kimberly Derting: This book sound really great and there has only been good buzz so far. Derting's first two books were amazing too. Can I just read this now?
2. Shattered Souls by Mary Lindsey: I have heard amazing things about this book and really want to read it.
1. Lost in Time by Melissa de la Cruz: I have been reading this series for several years and can't wait to read this book. I loved these books.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Forgotten by Cat Patrick

Source: Publisher
Each night when 16 year-old London Lane goes to sleep, her whole world disappears. In the morning, all that's left is a note telling her about a day she can't remember. The whole scenario doesn't exactly make high school or dating that hot guy whose name she can't seem to recall any easier. But when London starts experiencing disturbing visions she can't make sense of, she realizes it's time to learn a little more about the past she keeps forgetting-before it destroys her future.
Part psychological drama, part romance, and part mystery, this thought-provoking novel will inspire readers to consider the what-if's in their own lives and recognize the power they have to control their destinies.

When I first heard about this book, the premise is what instantly grabbed me and made me want to read this book. London is a very likable character. She appears spacey, because of her ability, but she is actually really determined and sweet. Luke is a great character. I really liked the chemistry between London and him. I also liked London's friendship with Jamie. I could totally understand it and have seen it in my own friends. The plot is mysterious and suspenseful with a touch of romance and drama. Towards the end of the book, I was completely blind sighted by most of the plot. Patrick's writing is clever, smooth, and fun to read. I didn't want to put this book down and instantly found myself in love with this story. I highly recommend that you read it now and can't wait to read more from Patrick in the future. This book was so amazing.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Hunger Games Sneak Peak

Just in case you missed it. I think that it looks amazing. Jennifer Lawrence looks amazing as Katniss. She is a bit more polished then I pictured her. I am so glad that they went with a clip from the arena. I have been picturing it since I first read The Hunger Games in 2009 and I am so excited to see this movie in March. One of my best friends and I are planning to see it at midnight, since I am on Spring Break then.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

What I have been up to lately...

I have been really stressed lately with getting ready for school and such. I also have been wanting to write more in the past few months. This has helped me a lot.
2. Working out and reading at the same time.
I am now doing at least an hour of working out on weekdays and I finally got the hang of working out and reading.
3. Packing.
I know that I am going to forget something.
4. Google+ Hangouts
Not the most productive thing, but I am talking to people that I go to school with. So yay!
5. Cooking.
Another stress reliever.
I also watched the new Doctor Who, which was more then amazing.
So what has everyone else been up to?

Friday, August 26, 2011

Bloodlines by Richelle Mead

Source: Publisher
The first book in Richelle Mead's brand-new teen fiction series - set in the same world as Vampire Academy.

When alchemist Sydney is ordered into hiding to protect the life of Moroi princess Jill Dragomir, the last place she expects to be sent is a human private school in Palm Springs, California. But at their new school, the drama is only just beginning.
Populated with new faces as well as familiar ones, Bloodlines explores all the friendship, romance, battles and betrayals that made the #1 New York Times bestselling Vampire Academy series so addictive - this time in a part-vampire, part-human setting where the stakes are even higher and everyone's out for blood.
I really loved Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy Series. I was really excited to read Bloodlines. At first, I wasn't sure if I would like this book, but as soon as I began reading it. The world of both of these series are amazing and authentic. There aren't many books like this.
Bloodlines has many of the same characters as Vampire Academy. Sydney, Adrian, Jill, and Eddie were the main characters. Sydney was very uptight in the Vampire Academy, but she loosened up in Bloodlines and was actually a very relatable character. She isn't as kick ass as Rose, but she was clever and funny, when she needed to be. I was on Team Dimitri, when it came to Rose, but I liked Adrian a lot. He was a great character and I really enjoyed seeing him again. He still has the carefree slacker attitude and made me laugh a lot. Jill and Eddie were both amazing. Overall all four of these characters have great chemistry and they all work together. There were several new characters that I found interesting. Kieth was a jerk and I wanted to slap him from the first page that he appeared. Lee also intrigued me a lot and I found a lot about him to be interesting. There are cameos of several characters like Rose, Abe, and a couple more characters from the past books.
The plot of Bloodline is so exciting and face paced. There were a few things that I guessed, but luckily I was surprised almost every second of the end of this novel and I honestly didn't know what to expect from the ending. Like most of Mead's books, there is a surprising ending that makes you want the next book as soon as possible. The writing is amazing as usual. Mead has a gift with stories and I found Bloodlines to be just as appealing as the Vampire Academy series. I definitely recommend this book to fans of Vampire Academy. I can't wait to read The Golden Lily as soon as possible.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Day Before by Lisa Schroeder

Source: Bought
Amber’s life is spinning out of control. All she wants is to turn up the volume on her iPod until all of the demands of family and friends fade away. So she sneaks off to the beach to spend a day by herself.
Then Amber meets Cade. Their attraction is instant, and Amber can tell he’s also looking for an escape. Together they decide to share a perfect day: no pasts, no fears, no regrets.
The more time that Amber spends with Cade, the more she’s drawn to him. And the more she’s troubled by his darkness. Because Cade’s not just living in the now—he’s living each moment like it’s his last.

Amber is a very sweet and entertaining character. I found her situation to be impossible to face. I found the relationship between Cade and Amber. I though that it was realistic and cute. I absolutely adore Schroeder's books. Her books are heartfelt, emotional, and entertaining. I also like that her plots take the characters on an amazing adventure and the fact that it takes place in one day. Her writing is amazing. I love the ease that this book has, while reading it and how quickly the stories flows . I can't wait to read more from Schroeder. I recommend this book to fans of her previous books and of other verse books.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (114)

Title: Pandemonium
Author: Lauren Oliver
Publisher: Harperteen
Release Date: March 6th, 2012
Lauren Oliver captivated readers with Delirium, the first book in a thrilling dystopian trilogy in which Lena Haloway dared to fall in love with Alex and escape the cure, the government-mandated procedure that renders a person immune to the disease of love. Lena and Alex staked their lives on leaving their oppressive society, but only Lena broke free.
Pandemonium continues Lena’s gripping story. After escaping from Portland, Maine, Lena makes it to the Wilds and becomes part of an Invalid community, where she transforms herself into a warrior for the resistance. A future without Alex is unimaginable, but Lena pushes forward and fights, both for him and for a world in which love is no longer considered a disease. Swept up in a volatile mix of revolutionaries and counterinsurgents, Lena struggles to survive—and wonders if she may be falling in love again.
Full of danger, forbidden romance, and exquisite writing, Lauren Oliver’s sequel to Delirium races forward at a breathtaking pace and is sure to appeal to fans who crave the high-stakes action of The Hunger Games and the bittersweet love story of Romeo & Juliet.
I enjoyed Delirium and really want to read this one. I also love the cover.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Possess by Gretchen McNeil

Source: Publisher
Fifteen-year-old Bridget Liu just wants to be left alone: by her mom, by the cute son of a local police sergeant, and by the eerie voices she can suddenly and inexplicably hear. Unfortunately for Bridget, it turns out the voices are demons – and Bridget has the rare ability to banish them back to whatever hell they came from.
Terrified to tell people about her new power, Bridget confides in a local priest who enlists her help in increasingly dangerous cases of demonic possession. But just as she is starting to come to terms with her new power, Bridget receives a startling message from one of the demons. Now Bridget must unlock the secret to the demons' plan before someone close to her winds up dead – or worse, the human vessel of a demon king.
I loved The Exorcist, growing up. I was really excited to hear about Possess. I found it to be creepy and scary at times and other times, I found it to be funny and sweet. This was a very new story that I loved. Bridget was snarky, clever, and relatable. She was dealing with her father's death, and trying to figure out who she was along the way. I loved learning more about Bridget's abilities and seeing her grow over the book. I loved Matt. He was so sweet and protective. I liked that the relationship didn't happen at once, but grew over time. Hector and Peter were great friends to Bridget. The plot was slow to begin with, but it gradually grew over time and by the end, it was impossible to put down this book. The plot also has many twist and turns and the end was a huge surprise. McNeil's writing is amazing and I am excited to see what she comes up with next. I am sure it will be amazing. I recommend this to fans of The Mediator Series by Meg Cabot and Bad Girls Don't Die by Katie Alender.

Monday, August 22, 2011

In My Mailbox (Week of August 21th)

For Review:
Bloodlines by Richelle Mead
The Future of Us by Jay Asher & Carolyn Mackler
The Space Between by Brenna Yovanoff

Sorry for not posting for two days. Pulled muscles hurt.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Book Trailer

I am so excited for this book. I might take a writing break for it, especially since I pulled a muscle in my back and shoulder out. I love Vampire Academy Series.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Lying Game by Sara Shepard

Source: Bought
I had a life anyone would kill for.
Then someone did.
The worst part of being dead is that there’s nothing left to live for. No more kisses. No more secrets. No more gossip. It’s enough to kill a girl all over again. But I’m about to get something no one else does—an encore performance, thanks to Emma, the long-lost twin sister I never even got to meet.
Now Emma’s desperate to know what happened to me. And the only way to figure it out is to be me—to slip into my old life and piece it all together. But can she laugh at inside jokes with my best friends? Convince my boyfriend she’s the girl he fell in love with? Pretend to be a happy, carefree daughter when she hugs my parents good night? And can she keep up the charade, even after she realizes my murderer is watching her every move?
From Sara Shepard, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Pretty Little Liars books, comes a riveting new series about secrets, lies, and killer consequences.
Let the lying game begin.

I didn't connect with Sutton, from what Emma found about her. Though I found her narrative to be interesting. I loved Emma and found her to be sweet and likable. I The Lying Game has the same sort of mysterious feeling that is in Pretty Little Liars. I didn't immediately love the story. It took me a while. Shepard layers the mystery over an everyday high school plot and makes an enjoyable book. There were a few parts that dragged a little. Her writing is really amazing and I can't wait to see what comes up in the next books. Overall, a mysterious and enjoyable story.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (113)

Title: Daughter of Smoke and Bone
Author: Laini Taylor
Publisher: Little Brown
Release Date: September 27th, 2011

Around the world, black handprints are appearing on doorways, scorched there by winged strangers who have crept through a slit in the sky.
In a dark and dusty shop, a devil's supply of human teeth grown dangerously low.
And in the tangled lanes of Prague, a young art student is about to be caught up in a brutal otherworldly war.
Meet Karou. She fills her sketchbooks with monsters that may or may not be real; she's prone to disappearing on mysterious "errands"; she speaks many languages—not all of them human; and her bright blue hair actually grows out of her head that color. Who is she? That is the question that haunts her, and she's about to find out.
When one of the strangers—beautiful, haunted Akiva—fixes his fire-colored eyes on her in an alley in Marrakesh, the result is blood and starlight, secrets unveiled, and a star-crossed love whose roots drink deep of a violent past. But will Karou live to regret learning the truth about herself?

I have heard a lot of amazing things about Daughter of Smoke and Bones. It sounds amazing and I can't wait to read it.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Pottermore is wow...

I decided to write this post, because I was one of the lucky few to get early access to Pottermore yesterday. Let me just say that it is amazing. The artwork of each scene is magical and amazing. It is kind of like rereading the books.
The sorting is really awesome. You get asked a different series of questions that help the hat choose where you should be. I was sorted into Slytherin, which is a huge surprise to me. I always believed that I was a Ravenclaw or a Gryffindor. You get a welcome letter that explains your house. Mine actually helped me like my house.
Getting your wand is an awesome experience. Once again, you're asked a series of questions, then you are given a wand. My wand is Pine with Dragon core thirteen inches. You can use spells in the duel feature and it is really hard. Potions is also very tricky and I totally understand why Harry sucked now.
The bonus feature materials of Pottermore are amazing. McGonagall's backstory almost made me cry.
I know that most of you will have to wait till October, but it is definitely worth the wait. If you are already on Pottermore, my username is unicornwild83 and you should add me.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Populazzi by Elise Allen

Source: Publisher
Cara has never been one of those girls: confident, self-possessed, and always ready with the perfect thing to say. A girl at the very top of the popularity tower. One of the Populazzi.
Now, junior year could change everything. Cara’s moving to a new school, and her best friend urges her to seize the moment—with the help of the Ladder. Its rungs are relationships, and if Cara transforms into the perfect girlfriend for guys ever-higher on the tower, she’ll reach the ultimate goal: Supreme Populazzi.
The Ladder seems like a lighthearted social experiment, a straight climb up, but it quickly becomes gnarled and twisted. And when everything goes wrong, only the most audacious act Cara can think of has a chance of setting things even a little bit right.

Cara is a really unique and realistic teen girl. She was down to earth and sweet. She reminded me of myself when I was her age. I found Archer to be really nice and adorable. At times, I found Claudia to be annoying. Cara's mom and Stepfather Karl were so infuriating. It reminded me of one of my friend's parents and I couldn't like them after that. It is horrid to think that someone would do that to their stepdaughter or daughter. The cliques in this book didn't seem over done and I think that it was really accurate. I really liked the plot. It was fun and full of drama. I really enjoyed seeing Cara as she went through the other groups. Allen's writing is amazing. Even though this book is almost 400 pages, I enjoyed every moment. My only complaint is that I didn't get to see Archer enough. I recommend this book to fans of Sarah Dessen and Stephanie Perkins. It was an amazing debut with great characters.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sometimes it Happens by Lauren Barnholdt

Source: Publisher
On the last day of her junior year, Hannah's boyfriend Ryan dumped her. Facing a summer of loneliness, Hannah turns to her best friend Ava for comfort. Ava does what BFFs do: she stays by Hannah's side...until it's time for Ava to head up to Maine for the summer. Also left behind is Ava's boyfriend, Noah, who's such a great guy he gets Hannah a job at the diner he waits tables at. Slowly, Hannah comes out of her funk thanks to Noah's good conversation and their fun times at the diner. But things get complicated when their friendship turns into attraction—and one night, into a passionate kiss. The novel opens on the first day of senior year; the day Hannah is going to see Ava, Ryan, and Noah all in one place. Over the course of the day secrets and betrayals are revealed, and alliances are broken and reformed. In the end, everyone is paired up once again, but not the way you might think...
Lauren Barnholdt's books are addictive, funny, and realistic. Hannah is such a great friend, she is honest and loyal. She also cared about people a lot. I really liked her. Noah is a sweet and amazing guy. Lacey was a great friend to Hannah and her hypochondriac tendency were humorous and entertaining. I didn't understand what Hannah saw in Ava, she was controlling and just negative. I found the story to be entertaining and addictive. I also enjoyed seeing that Hannah working, because that is a reality for most teens at this time. My mom also worked in the food service industry for a while, so I am used the the stories that Hannah had. The tension of the story helped make me want to keep reading every single word. The story was told very in a very original format, even though this type of story has been told a million times. Barnholdt's writing is amazing and I can't wait to read more from her in the future. I recommend this book to fans of Sarah Dessen and Jennifer Echols.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday Five

1. Trying to get to 20,000 on NaNoWriMo by tonight. That is 2k more. I want 25k by the end of Monday
2. I have finished reading three books this months, which is hard between writing and getting ready for college. What has everyone been reading lately?
3. I have been on tumblr a lot lately. You can follow me here.
4. Still dieting. I am getting Physical Therapy and I am working on gaining muscles, hence why I haven't lost a lot of weight lately.
5. I love this video:
PS.. 800 followers on the blog. That is a lot.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Book Trailer...

This books sounds awesome. Has anyone read it yet?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (112)

Title: Black Heart
Author: Holly Black
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Release Date: April 3, 2012
Cassel Sharpe knows he’s been used as an assassin, but he’s trying to put all that behind him. He’s trying to be good, even though he grew up in a family of con artists and cheating comes as easily as breathing to him. He’s trying to do the right thing, even though the girl he loves is inextricably connected with crime. And he’s trying to convince himself that working for the Feds is smart, even though he’s been raised to believe the government is the enemy.
But with a mother on the lam, the girl he loves about to take her place in the Mob, and new secrets coming to light, the line between what’s right and what’s wrong becomes increasingly blurred. When the Feds ask Cassel to do the one thing he said he would never do again, he needs to sort out what’s a con and what’s truth. In a dangerous game and with his life on the line, Cassel may have to make his biggest gamble yet—this time on love.
I loved the first two books and can't wait for the next one. It looks amazing and I love the cover too.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Last Little Blue Envelope by Maureen Johnson

Source: Bought
Ginny Blackstone thought that the biggest adventure of her life was behind her. She spent last summer traveling around Europe, following the tasks her aunt Peg laid out in a series of letters before she died. When someone stole Ginny's backpack—and the last little blue envelope inside—she resigned herself to never knowing how it was supposed to end.Months later, a mysterious boy contacts Ginny from London, saying he's found her bag. Finally, Ginny can finish what she started. But instead of ending her journey, the last letter starts a new adventure—one filled with old friends, new loves, and once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Ginny finds she must hold on to her wits . . . and her heart. This time, there are no instructions.
I enjoyed 13 Little Blue Envelope a lot and I was excited to read The Last Little Blue Envelope, since it was announced. Ginny is a character that I enjoyed a lot. I also liked that the relationships from the other books were continued. I loved learning more about Richard and Peg and seeing more about Richard. I liked seeing Keith again. He was just as fun as the first book. Oliver was a great new character and even though he was an asshole at times, you couldn't help but loving him. The plot was just as mysterious and exciting as the first book. I loved that I got to see more of Europe through Ginny again. This is a very cute and fun story that I am sure that anyone would enjoy. If you have not read the first book, 13 Little Blue Envelopes, go and buy it now and be sure to pick up this book too. I am sure that you will enjoy the adventure, excitement, and just a hint of romance, while on a trip around London.

Monday, August 8, 2011

13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson

Source: Bought
When Ginny receives thirteen little blue envelopes and instructions to buy a plane ticket to London, she knows something exciting is going to happen. What Ginny doesn't know is that she will have the adventure of her life and it will change her in more ways than one. Life and love are waiting for her across the Atlantic, and the thirteen little blue envelopes are the key to finding them in this funny, romantic, heartbreaking novel.
I absolutely loved 13 Little Blue Envelope, the first time that I read it, and I was really excited to re-read it the second time. I was excited to find it just as magical and surprising as the first time that I saw it. Ginny is a very likable character. She is very easygoing and sweet. I liked that she became more confident a as time went on. Aunt Peg is a very flaky character whose personality reminded me of my mom at times. Kieth was very charming and I liked him at times, but other times I didn't trust him at all. The plot of 13 Little Blue Envelopes isn't the most realistic plot, but it definitely is fun, exciting, and amusing. I loved that I got to discover Europe through Ginny's eyes and it felt like I was wandering around Europe too. Johnson's writing is witty, thrilling, and one of a kind. I recommend this book to fans of Johnson's other books, E. Lockhart, and Robin Benway. I also suggest having the second book The Last Little Blue Envelope on hand, because the ending is rather sudden and unresolved and you will want to read what is next.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

In My Mailbox (Week of August 7th)

For Review:
Between by Jessica Warman
Return to Exile by E.J. Patton
Dark Parties by Sara Grant

Saturday, August 6, 2011

And Then Things Fall Apart by Arlaina Tibensky

Source: Publisher
Keek’s life was totally perfect.
Keek and her boyfriend just had their Worst Fight Ever, her best friend heinously betrayed her, her parents are divorcing, and her mom’s across the country caring for her newborn cousin, who may or may not make it home from the hospital. To top it all off, Keek’s got the plague. (Well, the chicken pox.) Now she’s holed up at her grandmother’s technologically-barren house until further notice. Not quite the summer vacation Keek had in mind.
With only an old typewriter and Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar
for solace and guidance, Keek’s alone with her swirling thoughts. But one thing’s clear through her feverish haze—she’s got to figure out why things went wrong so she can put them right.
This book starts off very funny, but slowly grows in depth . The main character has a very high fever and her sense of reality isn't always there. Keek is a very awesome character. She is edgy, smart, funny, and just awesome. I found Keek to be a great narrator and loved her honesty. Keek's grandma was very spirited and bold. I really enjoyed her attitude. Keek's mom and dad both have their flaws and I found their problems to be fascinated. I also liked the other characters in the book and found them to be well developed. The plot slowly unraveled what happened in the past, while showing what was happening in the present. I really enjoyed that Sylvia Plath was included in this book, since I completely adore The Bell Jar. This book was really unique and I liked how the story was written like a diary, but wasn't quite one. Tibensky is a fabulous writer and I can't wait to read more from her. I recommend this book to fans of Sylvia Plath, Poetry, and fresh and edgy writing. I really enjoyed this book.

Friday, August 5, 2011


Two winners of Love Story:
Jenny Engler and Amanda (That Teen Can Blog)

A signed copy of The Sweetheart of Prosper County:
Megan S.

Imaginary Girls:
Ashelynn Hetland

Thursday, August 4, 2011

How to survive Camp Nanowrimo

I have tried to do Nanowrimo several time and have failed pretty much every time. Anyways looking back, I made a lot of mistakes and here is my advice.
1. Know your character.
The worst writing that I have seen in a book, is underdeveloped characters. Define who they are and make sure to stick to that. I love making charts about them with traits, memories, relationship, appearance and random facts that help you make the story.
2. It doesn't have to be perfect.
Pretty much every author does several drafts of each book and a story can completely change in the time. Don't worry about plot holes or continuance of the plot. You need a full draft before you can properly edit a book.
3. Write when you want to.
Find what works for you and write when you can. Don't worry about your word count till August 31st and don't stress about a low word count. This is a challenge to finish a novel. Try your hardest, but if you fail, there is always November.
4. Have a support system.
Find friends that are doing and have a chat on Google+ or Skype once a week, while it isn't the most productive time, it is a lot of fun. You can still have a personal life, if you work ahead. Just try to make it work and don't stress about it.
5. Don't let shiny new ideas distract you.
Focus on the book you start with and try to finish it. SNIs are evil and hard to ignore. Just write them down in a note book for the future.
Most of all good luck and have fun. Also don't move during Nano and enjoy the extra day. =)


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