Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hearts at Stake by Alyxandra Harvey

Characters: 19/20
Plot: 18/20
Originality: 20/20
Writing: 18/20
Recommendation: 19/20
Overall: 94/100 or A
Source: Publisher
The Drakes are not a normal family. They are a family of vampires and some of their family dates back almost a century. Their daughter Solange happens to be the only born female vampire known, so she poses a direct threat to the vampire queen. It is the day before her sixteenth birthday, the day that all born vampires become undead. Solange doesn't want to rule or even become a vampire. She rather be doing ceramic, hanging out with Lucy(who is human), or getting to know Kieran Black, a vampire hunter that keeps on showing up. Everyone is after Solange, but Lucy will be able to save the day with help of one of Solange's seven brothers, Nicholas, whom she might have a crush on. Together, they must take on a royal court, an anti-vamp league, and rival tribes of the undead, just to make sure Solange survives. By the stroke of midnight, her fate will be sealed, one way or another.
Solange was a reluctant vampire, which I think is really rare in YA. I really enjoyed seeing it. I also liked how she was multidimensional and had flaws. Lucy was also a sweet girl. The friendship that Solange and Lucy had reminded me a lot of Lissa and Rose in the Vampire Academy series, which I adore. I also loved how all seven brothers were different in some way and how you got to learn more about Nicholas in this book. Kieran Black was an interesting character. He was really smart and wanted revenge. Yet, he didn't exactly want to kill Solange. I loved how their were three types of vampires and each were clearly created with their own attributes. The plot was an interesting story. It was gripping and I loved how fast the story was. It was so hard to put it down and I didn't want for it to end. This book was really original and fascinating. Harvey was a great writer and I had the pleasure of meeting her. She was so sweet and nice. I can't wait for her other books, because I am sure that they will be just as awesome as this book. I know that you are probably sick of vampire books, but this series is really awesome and unique. I would honest recommend this to anyone that likes paranormal young adult.

1 comment:

  1. I've been hesitant about this book. But now I think I'll give it a chance ; )


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