Okay, maybe that was a bit melodramatic, but I’m sorry, I’m feeling a bit melodramatic at the moment.
Here’s the deal. My name is Brooklyn Pierce, I’m fifteen years old, and I am decisionally challenged. Seriously, I can’t remember the last good decision I made. I can remember plenty of crappy ones though. Including that party I threw when my parents were out of town that accidentally burned down a model home. Yeah, not my finest moment, for sure.
But see, that’s why I started a blog. To enlist readers to make my decisions for me. That’s right. I gave up. Threw in the towel. I let someone else be the one to decide which book I read for English. Or whether or not I accepted an invitation to join the debate team from that cute-in-a-dorky-sort-of-way guy who gave me the Heimlich Maneuver in the cafeteria. (Note to self: Chew the melon before swallowing it.) I even let them decide who I dated!
Well, it turns out there are some things in life you simply can’t choose or have chosen for you—like who you fall in love with. And now everything’s more screwed up than ever.
But don’t take my word for it, read the book and decide for yourself. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll scream in frustration. Or maybe that’s just me. After all, it’s my life.
My Life Undecided is quick and fun read. I loved Brooklyn from the beginning. She wasn't exactly sure who she was in the beginning. I liked seeing her slowly discover who she was and what she really wanted. She was a very genuine girl that was very headstrong and yet caring about others. I also loved that it showed her blog. There are two guys in My Life Undecided that are love interests. Hunter is very charming and gorgeous southern guy. He is very dreamy, but he is not my favorite guy. Brian is smart, funny, and sweet. He was very down to earth and I completely adored him. Mrs. Moody was a lot like Brooklyn and I think that it helped her realize what could happen if she didn't change soon. Shanye is a total bitch and I wanted to stab her several times. I hated that she tried to control everything and used people.
The plot of My Life Undecided is a little over the top, but I think that a lot of the time, people make decisions from asking their friends about what they should read, eat, watch, do, and ect. I also related to Brooklyn's blogging habits and a lot that she talks about is relatable to as a blogger. Everyone has made bad decisions, which is what makes this book the most realistic, because sometimes you want some else to make your decisions for you. Brody is a fantastic writer and I can't wait to read more from her. Her writing is fresh, exciting, and funny. I recommend this book to fans of Lauren Barnholdt and Jennifer Echols.
so glad you liked this one cos I really want it too!