Monday, May 10, 2010

Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce

Characters: 19/20
Plot: 18/20
Originality: 19/20
Writing: 18/20
Recommendation: 18/20
Overall: 92/100 or A
Source: Publisher
Scarlett March lives for the hunt of the Fenris. The werewolves took her eye and covered her body with scars. She is armed with a hatchet and a cloak and she is an expert of luring and slaying wolves. she is determined to protect other girls from this grisly death and her raging heart will not rest until every single wolf is dead. Rosie March once felt her bond that she had with her sister was unbreakable. She dreams of a life without having to deal with wolves and is also drawn to Silas, but her love for him could be betraying her sister. Twenty-five-year-old Jackson Pearce delivers a dark, taut fairy tale with heart-pounding action, fierce sisterly love, and a romance that will leave readers breathless.
Scarlett and Rosie had such strong voices. Scarlett was fearless and has intense love for her sister. At times, I didn't like her, but I grew to understand how much she wanted to get rid of the wolves. Rosie is a sweetheart that wanted to get something other then wolves. She found that in Silas. Silas was strong and sweet. He cared a lot about both sisters. I really liked the romance that was between Rosie and Silas. The Fenris were great villains. They seemed to be pure evil. I also liked the creepiness that they emulated. The plot of Sisters Red is based upon Little Red Riding Hood, but this plot is dark and twisted. The world is interesting and fabulously created. I found it to be a magical, yet dark plot. I like how this book had romance and action. Sisters Red was very unique. I found it to be very original, like how the Fernis were based on what fairy tales are really about. Jackson Pearce is a great writer. The words magically melting together to feel mystical and gorgeous. I will definitely have to check out As You Wish. I also can't wait for the next book in this series. I highly recommend this book to anyone that is looking for an original and dark story.

1 comment:

  1. Dark and twisted plot? I'm definitely intrigued now! Great review, :)


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