Characters: 13/20
Setting: 7/10
Plot: 17/20
Originality: 16/20
Writing: 18/20
Recommendation: 7/10
Overall: 78/100 or B
Candice has moved from New York City to Swoon, Connecticut and became Dice on the way. She now lives across the street from her cousin in a restored farmhouse. While her parents are still in the city, working. Dice is lucky to have a popular cousin, Pen, who is very sweet and innocent. Suddenly, Pen starts acting out after a tumble out of an old oak tree. Dice thinks that something is wrong and whatever it is it has taken over her cousin.
Dice soon figures out that it is the ghost of Sinclair Youngblood Powers and he wants revenge on the people of Swoon. In concern of Pen, she preforms an exorcism and sets his spirit free somehow. Now, Sinclair is Sin and he is wreaking havoc all over town. Dice knows that she needs to stop him, but she might just really love him.
I found Swoon really interesting at the beginning and really liked, but as I got further in the characters really annoyed me. Dice was a strong character and I really liked her for the most part. Sin on the other hand was different. He really annoyed me and drove me crazy. Supposedly he loved Dice, but was doing all these things to hurt those that she was close too. Malkin did have a very strong vocabulary and her writing was really detailed. The history of the city of Swoon was well done and I liked that part. There was a lot of underage drinking, drug use, and a few sexual scenes, but this was most put as "teenagers just being teenagers". I really liked that Malkin didn't past judgement on them for doing this and I liked that. Swoon was a really unique novel. Nina Malkin is great writer and can't wait for more from her.
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