Sunday, September 8, 2013

Five Years Later: Blogging

Today marks the fifth blogoversary.
I have changed so much in that time. I have finished high school and began college. I have learned so much about what I like to read and what I don't. I have found out that I want to work as a librarian in youth services. I have met many wonderful people from blogging, and some include my now closest friends. I went to NYC for BEA in 2010 and went to ALA Mid-Winter this year in my wonderful city of Seattle. Overall, this blog has brought so many wonderful things to my life and I am really glad that I started it. I am immensely proud of what I have done and hope to do many more wonderful things.
Thanks to anyone that has read this or followed my blog over the years. It means a lot to me that you have taken the time. Also, thank to the bloggers that inspired me like Chelsea, Tirzah, Khy, and many more. I would not be doing this without you guys.

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