Monday, September 7, 2009

The Sky Always Hears Me and The Hills Don't Mind by Kristin Cronn-Mills

Characters: 19/20
Plot: 18/20
Originality: 19/20
Writing: 18/20
Recommendation: 19/20
Overall: 93/100 or A
Morgan is stuck in a boring hick town that she just wants to leave. Her boyfriend Derek, is boring and lacking in well some ways, her ex-best friend Tessa just kissed her and she might have kissed her back, and her co-worker Rob might just like her as much as she likes him. So, now she is confused romantically. He mom is dead and her dad is an alcoholic. Her timid step mom won't stand up for her. Her grandma is the only one that she can trust, but she is hiding a big secret that will spiral her life out of control.
Morgan was really relatable. I totally understand the feeling of wanting to leave somewhere and having such big dreams. I loved that she wrote fortunes and wanted to write a Great Americain Novel. The fortunes were hilarious. Tessa and Rob were amazing supporting characters. The plot was interesting. It was slow at points, but overall, it was amazing. I also loved that it was original. Mills is a fantastic writer and I can't wait for more from her. I highly suggest that you check this book out, it is amazing.


  1. This book looks awesome! Thanks for the review, I'll definitely have to get a copy of this.

  2. I love Kirstin Cronn Mills! She's an amazing writer :)

  3. Wow, what a great review. This is a new author for me, thanks for the review.

  4. Great review, I wasn't sure if I wanted to read this book but maybe now I will :)


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