Sunday, September 27, 2009

What should I read next?

Hey Everyone,
I forgot about half the books that I got this week at my mom's. So, I will have a either a In My Mailbox in the middle of the week or do both in one video, I guess you can tell me what you would like.
So, I need help on picking what to read next, so here are the choices. The Road from Home by Nigel Hinton, Freaks and Revelations by Davida Wills Hurwin, Girl in the Arena by Lise Hanes, Fire by Kristin Cashore, or Demon Chick by Marilyn Kaye. Please vote. Thanks, if you do! I am off to read to my sister and maybe make candles later today. I hope everyone is having a swell Sunday.
Peace out, Sarah.


  1. I know everyone will say FIRE, but I just finished "Girl in the Arena" by Lise Hanes. AWESOME!

  2. Demon Chick by Marilyn Kaye I haven't heard this title before. It would be interesting to hear about a new title.

  3. FIRE!!!!! READ FIRE NOW!!! Completely and totally AMAZING!

  4. I would read Girl in the Arena by Lise Hanes if I had those books in my TBR pile. :) I really want that book!

  5. I've had Fire since May but haven't read it yet. :(

  6. Girl in the Arena, I'd like to see what you have to say about the odd format of the book.


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