Thursday, September 17, 2009

Emily by Emily Smucker

Overall: 89/100 or B
Emily is plagued with some sort of cold, fever, or bizarre aches and pains for much of her life. Emily thought that the dizziness and stomachaches at the beginning of her senior year, were just another bout of "Emily Flu." But when it didn't go away, she knew that something was very wrong. After a tons of tests, she is eventually diagnosed with the rare and incurable West Nile virus. Emily watches her senior year and her future go up in smoke.
I could relate to Emily's story. I have been sick for almost three years and didn't get answers for a long time. Emily was a great writer and I enjoyed her story. I think that anyone that has had a serious illness could relate to this. You should check it out either way.

1 comment:

  1. I saw this and a few others in the series? (dont' really know if it's a series) the other day book shopping. I picked one of them up and then put it back. I had never heard of them before.

    I think I'll have to go back and look at them again, or do some research on them and see if they'll pique my interest.

    Thanks for the review =)


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