Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Van Alen Legacy by Melissa de la Cruz

Characters: 19/20
Plot: 18/20
Originality: 19/20
Writing: 20/20
Recommendation: 19/20
Overall: 95/100 or A
Source: Publisher
They used to live a glamorous life in New York City. The Blue Bloods now find themselves in an epic battle for survival. Schuyler Van Alen is on the run from the Venator of the New York coven. She is blamed for the murder of her grandfather, Lawrence. Her conduit, Oliver Hazard-Perry is with her. They are searching for more information about The Van Alen Legacy. Mimi and Kingsley are part of the Venator team and are back in Rio trying to find Bliss' younger sister Jordan, who was revealed at the Watcher, Sophia. Bliss is trying to deal with and overcome being a silver blood, and the fact that Lucifer himself is kind of inside of her. Mimi and Jack are engaged, but Mimi is the only one that is truly happy.
The characters are fantastic. I love Schuyler. She is such a strong and unique character. Oliver is still sweet and so kind. I still love Jack! He is so awesome. The characters evolved so much in this book. I also liked that there was finally a resoultion to the Mimi-Jack-Schuyler love triangle. Cruz makes such a fast paced plot. It was full of action, secrets, and adventure. I could not put this book down. I also like that Cruz doesn't spend five chapters getting into the story. You jump right into the bulk of the story. This series is so original and this book was no different. Cruz is a great writer that knows how to tell a story and make it interesting. I can't wait for the next book. I am glad that it is coming out this June. I highly recommend this series, because they just keep on getting better.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, I loved this one. This series is so addicting. I hated it when Kingsley died though, he was my favorite. And I like how Mimi is thinking more maturely. Thanks for the review!


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