Friday, June 12, 2009


My blogoversary is in less then 90 days. So, I was wondering what my readers would like to see happen. I'll try to do anything that is reasonable.
In over news, my computer was taken in to get fixed, today. So I am hoping to have it back for my birthday. Then I can save all my money for BEA. I am excited and it is like a year away.


  1. That stinks about your computer, they're expensive to fix.

    I'm with you on the BEA, I'm starting to put part of my paycheck away each week to save... because I have that, then either Hawaii or Florida for choir, plus college which is expensive because I'm going outo f state.

  2. I am totally starting to save money for BEA. My parents have already agreed to make a trip out of it just so I can go. I am so excited!

    Sorry about your computer but yay about your blogoversary. Sadly, I don't have any suggestions but I am sure whatever you decide to do will be great!

  3. I as katie, Have no idea what to suggest either. I am trying to get a contest together for either my birthday or 100 followers. probably 100 followers because I will be in mid move for my bday.

    I will be going to BEA for sure as well. My mom is gonna go with me and hang out there for a week after BEA is over and just have a mommy daughter vaca!! Lol!! I can't wait for it to come and meet everyone! Year, hurry up!


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