Friday, January 6, 2012

New Years Goals

Sorry for being about five days late. I had to pack everything back up for college, move back in start school, and do homework in those days.  Along with a few other things.
Anyways here are my goals:
1. Post 2 reviews a week. I was such a failure on the blog after I went to college. I am going to try to make more time for reading and blogging this quarter.
2. Read 100 books. This is really a goal now with school and other things happening in my life.
3. Write more often. This doesn't mean for school, but I need to finish a WIP at some point and this will be the year that it happens.
4. Answer emails more efficiently and also keep my inbox clean.
5. Exercise and eat more healthily. This is a huge problem at college that I am going to make sure that I make better decisions and since I did lose 75lbs last year and would love to lose more.
6. Be more social. I am not a very outgoing person. I hate talking to people, but I need to talk more to people. Especially to the people that have always been there for me.
7. 3.7 GPA. I got a little bit lower than that this quarter, but I am going to work more.
8. Don't worry as much.

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