Characters: 18/20
Plot: 19/20
Originality: 18/20
Writing: 20/20
Recommendation: 19/20
Overall: 94/100 or A
Source: Publisher
Sienna Jones has been haunted by recurring nightmares since her mother's disappearance over the Indian Ocean three years before. She reluctantly travels with her psychiatrist father's volunteer team. They are traveling to six-months post-tsunami Indonesia where she meets the scarred and soulful orphan Deni. He is more like Sea then anyone that she has ever met, but she knows that they can't be together. Yet she can't stay away from him. Also her old best friend Spider may or may not be waiting for her back home. Her dad still hasn't told the truth about her mother's plane. It seems the further away from home, the closer she gets to the truth.
Sienna is a strong character. She has to find closure in her mother's death and also if she has true feelings with Spider. I like how caring and driven she was. She also travels to Indonesia to help people and I really like all of the courage that she had. I really liked Spider and Deni. They were great characters and I found Deni's past to be interesting and amazing. Elli was a cute character that made my day and I really loved how sweet she was. The plot of Sea was a quick read. It was addictive and I wanted to know what was going to happen next. I loved how the culture and setting were pulled into the book. The originality of Sea was amazing. It had a lot of great characters and plot. Kling created a grand book. Her writing is magical and graceful. I felt that I knew who Sienna was by the end of the book. I would recommend this book to anyone. Sea is the journey of Sienna to find out who she is and what her place in the world was. I can't wait to read more from Kling.
THanks SarahBear! Was lovely meeting you!