Friday, February 19, 2010

Scarlett Fever by Maureen Johnson

Characters: 18/20
Plot: 18/20
Originality: 19/20
Writing: 19/20
Recommendation: 18/20
Overall: 92/100 or A
Scarlett's life is as crazy as ever. She is now Mrs. Amberson's assistant and has to do anything that she ask for, which is usually dropping off scripts to her brother Spencer and doing Mrs. Amberson's shopping for odd food. Scarlett has to make friend with Chelsea, a Broadway Star that is Mrs. Amberson's new client. Scarlett is trying to juggle her sophomore year class, a lab partner that is a bit too nice, and she is also trying to get over the boy who broke her heart. Her family is in a million different directions. It is surprising that Scarlett has has time for herself with everything that is going on in her life.
Scarlett Martin is a character that I can relate to so much. She is insecure about what she wants to do in life. She is also lovable and really caring. Her brother Spencer is really funny and I love his humor. I loved that he tried out for Crime and Punishment, which is a tribute to Law and Order. Lola and Marlene also became a bigger part of the story. I liked learning more then what Scarlett sees. Max was an interesting addition to the series, I loved what I found out about him and hope to learn more. Murray is the most awesome dog ever. The plot of this book was just as exciting and funny as the last book. I found myself laughing so much during this book. This book was really original with it's great characters and the wonderful plot. Maureen Johnson is a fantastic writer that knows how to write such a great book. I recommend this to anyone that likes Maureen Johnson's other books.

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