Monday, February 15, 2010

Gone by Lisa McMann

Characters: 16/20
Plot: 17/20
Originality: 18/20
Writing: 17/20
Recommendation: 17/20
Overall: 85/100 or B
Source: Bought
Janie has to make a final decision. She learned in Fade that going into dreams will make her blind and handicap. She could try to leave Cabel and live in a world of isolation. She know that Cabe will stay with her until she dies, he will never try to leave her. She has to choose between being strong psychically and mentally or continue her life as it is. Janie also meets her dad, who happens to be a dream catcher, too. She learns that her decision is not as easy as it seems, that this is a catch-22.
The characters weren't as strong as in the previous book. Janie was more moody then the last book. She has to decide which is the better decision, either ways she will lose something that is really important to her. Cabe wasn't as present at the other books, but I loved how supportive he was as always. The plot was a character driven plot, unlike the previous books in the series. I find the choice ideal interesting, because either way she loses something. At the same time, I could relate to it. We all have to make choices that have echoing effects on us in the past. This is a original book that had a great concept. McMann did a good job writing. I felt like the ending could have been more concrete, instead of being so opened ended. I do live her simple writing style that flows through out the book. This book was an interesting end to the series and I can't wait to see what McMann is writing next.

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