Monday, August 13, 2012

An Explanation and Apology

So, I have had somewhat bad news for the past few months and I have been processing it.
It isn't new news that I am sick.
I have been open about it for the past six years.
I finally met with a specialist that understands my disease and was able to tell me everything that happened.
Pretty much I had a bone infection that would have disappeared instantly, if it was treated right.
It wasn't. It took over a year to start a treatment to get rid of this. Bone and infection aren't good friend.
As a result, there is a lot of a damage. My right hip joint is severely damaged.
My right sacrum joint doesn't show up on x-ray  or MRI and the left is severely eroded. Like when your bone breaks, the left side is trying to repair it. So I have bone spurs causing pain and inflammation. This is what has been causing my immune system to be overactive.  A lot of the muscles are  on Level 3 on the weakness scale, which means that they move, but not as well as they should.  So there is a lot of work to do,  to get as well as possible. I also have other health issues as a result and I am dealing with those too. I am also on some medicines that should begin to work in the next few weeks.
I am not angry or sad about this. It was just a lot to accept and writing it out, made it seem well real. At the same time, it feels really good to know what is going on
Anyways, I apologize for not posting regularly. I meant to explain why a while ago, but life got really crazy. I was close to finishing writing a book and the end of a year of college, when I found this out.
I hope that everything is going well and reviews soon.
Thank you for your patience.


  1. Don't apologize! It's out of your control. Just get better!

  2. Don't apologize! It's out of your control. Just get better!

  3. Sending big hugs and lots of love your way. Get better and take good care of yourself -- #1 priority. xoxo

  4. No need to apologize. I think everyone is just happy you finally have access to proper treatment.

  5. Don't apologize Sarah! Sending you hugs! Get better girl!

  6. Wishing you the best!! Hoping the new medicine kicks in soon. Are they going to send you to physical therapy? Sounds like that might be a good course of treatment for muscle weakness.

  7. Sarah, take care of yourself. That's the most important thing.

  8. I just wanted to personally thank you for any support given to my book in regards to Orangeberry, and I happened to read this.

    Keep your head up and do not surrender to dispair. I injured myself at work, ruptured my bicep, and have had two surgeries in the past year to fix it.It has been tough since I worked out often, but I am persevering. I am in therapy now and moving towards a full recovery.


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