Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday

Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly event hosted at The Broke and Bookish.
This week’s topic:
Top 10 Books We’d Quickly Save If Our House Was Going To Be Abducted By Aliens (or any other natural disaster…)
1. My engraved bible: I was given this book after I was baptized and even though my fate isn't as strong as it used to be. I remember getting presented it when I was thirteen and feeling a magical connection to it. Every time, I open it, it reminds me of Bible School and Church Camp that made up the first fourteen years of my life.
2. My hardback copies of the Harry Potter: I have read these books several times and the story means the world to me. There is also the fact that this set of books are the books that I read the story from the first time and I would be so sad to love those memories.
3. Before I Die by Jenny Downham: This book has a lot of personal significance and means a lot to me. I would be so sad to lose the very different memories that surround this book.
4. All of my John Green Books: I really love these books and they are all signed. I love the connection that I have formed to the characters and the plot inside of the story.
5. My Dr. Suess books: There were some of the first books that I was able to read by myself. My siblings shared this with me and it is a type of bond that I don't want to forget.
6. Bittersweet by Sarah Ockler (All  of the copies): I have an arc and a finished copy. My name appears in both of them, which means a lot to me. I would feel so depressed if these were to disappear, because the finished copy is signed and it means a lot to me.
7.  The Truth about Forever by Sarah Dessen: I adore Sarah Dessen and would want at least one of her books. This copy is also signed and a gift from a great friend of mine. I would feel horrid if I lost it.
8. Feed by MT Anderson: This was the first of many books that I earned from my library for reading twenty hours over the summer. I love the story and it also has a few letters written on the flap by mom, when she thought that I was going to die. That obviously means the world to me.
9. My Scott Westerfeld books: The books are all signed and have memories implanted in them. Like cutting in a signing line, because you have crutches again. They are also funny and smart books that would distract me.
10. My photo albums: These pictures span twenty years of bad haircuts, poor fashion choices, and friendships that will hopefully last a lifetime. I would be so depressed to have my memorable moments disappear. 
I would probably shove my bookshelf of signed book out of my room, because this doesn't even cover half of the books that mean a lot to me.


  1. Photos! YES!! I'd save my Kindle!!! I'd need something to keep me company while I watched my house burn to the ground.

  2. I adore Dr. Suess! I can't believe I don't own any of his books.

  3. Photos are totally worth saving every time!

    AND YES, signed books mean so much, and the aren't always easy to replace.


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